Chapter 1640: Even Beasts Know Gratitude (Part 5)

His field of vision was red.

There was nothing that wasn't red. Of course, it may not have been an appropriate sentiment to feel at this moment.

The moonless night was engulfed in the fiery hue. The intensely vivid and eerie scene, as intense as it was unbearable, was engraved in Ho Gakmyung's eyes like a fiery seal that day.

Someone's screams, cries, and despair. All of it cluttered his ears.

The fire consumed everything, intensifying in brightness. As if the sun, having hidden its form in the sky, had descended here.

Ho Gakmyung, staring at the flames, suddenly felt that all of this was just a farce.

Was it really so easy?

Was it really something that could be done so simply?

It was bewildering. Despite committing so many atrocities, they had not prepared at all for the blade that might be aimed at them.

They had never even imagined that someone might target them. Despite living with so much resentment.

That fact seemed so absurd, eventually Ho Gakmyung chuckled bitterly.


Another scream pierced his ears. Within it, fear, injustice, and despair were palpable.

What injustice could there possibly be? Considering those trampled under their hands, even if their bodies were torn apart, it wouldn't be enough. Why were their worlds so different?

The acrid smoke pricked his nose, mingled with the scent of blood, turning his stomach. It seemed to permeate not only his clothes but also his skin.

"Ugh! Aargh!"

At that moment, a voice filled with agony struck his ears. As Ho Gakmyung turned to look, Jang Ilso was walking through the wide-open gates of the courtyard.

Gripping someone by the hair and dragging them.

"Let go... Let go, you bastard! How dare you think you know who I am!"

A stout old man struggled to free himself from the hand clutching his hair. Ho Gakmyung knew exactly who he was.

Jang Ilso asked nonchalantly.

"Is this what you wanted?"

Ho Gakmyung slowly nodded. His gaze never wavered from the old man.

As Jang Ilso let go, he tossed the person towards Ho Gakmyung.


"Ugh... Ugh..."

The old man groaned in pain as he struggled to lift his head. And belatedly, he saw who stood before him.

"You, you are..."

In his eyes, there was brief despair, deep defeat, faint fear, and a hint of confusion as a human. But soon, anger dominated his gaze again.

"Who are you?"

Ho Gakmyung was momentarily speechless, dazed by the moment. When a person is too angry, they tend to lose their senses momentarily.

Then the old man exploded with even more anger.

"You, you scum! Do you think you can get away with this?"

He didn't know. Who he was. Who Ho Gakmyung was.

Ho Gakmyung didn't seek forgiveness. But he believed at least he would be recognized.

Perhaps, he thought, he would be wary of Ho Gakmyung, plotting revenge beyond his power.

Ho Gakmyung constantly questioned himself, prepared countless answers. About his relationship with the prince, and strategies against the numerous enemies he had faced.

But at this moment, all of that became meaningless.

"It doesn't matter who you are. From the looks of it, you seem like someone who has read a few lines, but if it's you, I'll know exactly who I am [?lol]. You don't realize how foolish and reckless this is!"

In the end, Ho Gakmyung let out a disappointed laugh.

He wasn't bluffing. The old man really didn't know. Even at this point, he didn't understand that he was currently being trampled under Ho Gakmyung feet.

"Imperial Preceptor (王師)..."

How could he not know?

Even if all of it were pretense, he was someone who had accumulated enough knowledge to be called the mentor of the king. He had endured the fierce battles of the Imperial Palace for decades.

And yet, why couldn't he understand his own situation and utter such foolish words?

The more Ho Gakmyung thought about it, the more he couldn't help but smirk.

Yes, it was understandable. People don't imagine themselves dying from an ant bite. Even if they get bitten by an ant, they'll find reasons for their death elsewhere.

To this old man, Ho Gakmyung and his family were just insignificant ants, nothing more and nothing less.

So, he probably slept peacefully, even after trampling down his family and their nest without a care. Ants don't know how to seek revenge. People believe that.

"It's not too late yet. If you surrender now and repent for your sins, perhaps I might spare your life!"


"But if you don't, not only you, but your entire family will face destruction! This is not just a simple threat! Do you understand?"

Ho Gakmyung smiled.

No, he cried.

Was it because of such petty desires of someone like this that his family had to suffer like this? Just because of that?

The Imperial Preceptor he had admired during his days in the royal court seemed so noble and great. But now, looking at him reduced to such a grotesque and fat old man, he was nothing but pitiful.

Finally, Ho Gakmyung spoke.

"How do you plan to destroy us?"


"My kin have already perished at your hands. How do you plan to destroy them? Will you dig up their graves and trample their bones?"

The Imperial Preceptor's eyes flickered briefly.

"Unfortunately, Imperial Preceptor."

"You, you..."

The old man started trembling. He now realized that none of his tricks would work on Ho Gakmyung.

His eyes, once filled with greed and arrogance, now rolled with fear.

"Wait, just a moment! What do you want?"


"I can give you anything. Position! Wealth! Power! Pleasure! Whatever you desire, I can provide! But if I die, you will only end up being chased for the rest of your life! Don't you understand?"

Seeing no change in Ho Gakmyung's expression, the desperate old man crawled on all fours, clutching Ho Gakmyung's robe.

"Please, think about it! What's lost is lost."

The sincere and desperate longing, so palpable, shimmered in the old man's eyes. Ho Gakmyung, looking down coldly, said,

"What's the point of surviving like that?"


"Your family and relatives are already dead. What's the point of you, who are just waiting to die alone, surviving? It's better to die proudly here, isn't it?"

The Imperial Preceptor's face contorted fiercely.

"Nonsense! What's the meaning of family, of relatives!"


"They only have meaning if I exist! What's the value to them if I'm not there! If only I survive, I can recreate my family. As long as I don't lose my strength!"

Ho Gakmyung knew what to call that shimmering thing in the old man's eyes.

The one who had once received the respect of scholars and officials in the court now clung to his last moments with nothing but greed. Desire.

"So spare me! Let's, let's become family! Then, you'll inherit all my wealth and power. You can restore your family's honor and live peacefully, won't you?"

The grip of the old man's hand on Ho Gakmyung's robe tightened. Ho Gakmyung just stared blankly at that hand.

It was someone else who responded to the proposal.


He dropped something near Ho Gakmyung.

Turning his head, he saw a dagger stuck in the ground.

"Not a bad offer, huh?"

Picking up the dagger, Ho Gakmyung looked at Jang Ilso, who had spoken.

"....Not a bad offer, you say?"

"Don't you think so?"

Jang Ilso grinned, twisting the corners of his mouth as if mocking.

"Doubt may arise. But from what I see, that offer seems genuine. Such a man doesn't hold grudges. As long as his other relatives are dead, he needs a clever youngster to manage his property and fervently serve him, doesn't he?"


"If you make a proper agreement, he'll truly adopt you as his own. Then you'll inherit everything he has. Wealth beyond anyone's imagination, and power that no one else could ever dream of, even if they worked like dogs all their lives."

Ho Gakmyung's gaze darkened, but Jang Ilso continued undeterred.

"No matter how much you seek revenge, what's lost won't return. The dead remain dead, and in the afterlife, there's no joy in your vengeance. All that's left is your petty grudge."

Jang Ilso mocked.

"It seems you've received an ample offer in exchange for that grudge."

Ho Gakmyung, staring intently at Jang Ilso, asked.

"Are you okay with that?"

"As long as I get my compensation, I'm fine."

Jang Ilso's smirk curled upward.

"If you settle things here, I too can avoid what lies ahead. Wasn't that the deal from the start?"


Ho Gakmyung's gaze returned to the Imperial Preceptor.

Even amidst his desperate gaze fixed on Ho Gakmyung, the Imperial Preceptor's eyes held a hope that hadn't been there moments ago. A hope that Ho Gakmyung might accept his offer.

After a brief silence, Ho Gakmyung spoke.

"...It's a good offer."


"Thanks to you, I understand now. What I did wrong. How foolish I was."

The Imperial Preceptor's eyes trembled.

"Imperial Preceptor. Remember this. My name is Ho Gakmyung."

"Ho, Ho Ga...."

And in that moment,



Ho Gakmyung's dagger swung like lightning, plunging into the Imperial Preceptor's abdomen.


A desperate scream erupted from the Imperial Preceptor's mouth. With every twist of the dagger, blood mercilessly splattered onto Ho Gakmyung's face.

"You would pay that as compensation? That kind of thing?"

"Ah, aaaaah!"

Ho Gakmyung grabbed the Imperial Preceptor's hair, now a mess.

"Remember well, Imperial Preceptor."

Ho Gakmyung's bloodshot eyes stared directly into the Imperial Preceptor's tear-filled eyes. The venom in his gaze seemed capable of consuming the Imperial Preceptor in an instant.

"A deal is made when both parties offer something that appeals to each other. It's not about forcing what you deem valuable onto others."


Ho Gakmyung pulled out the dagger from the Imperial Preceptor's abdomen and held it in reverse.

In the Imperial Preceptor's eyes, filled with blood, there was an overwhelming despair.


"Seventy-seven lives. From now on, I will clearly make you feel the pain they would have felt. So please..."

"S-Save me..."

Ho Gakmyung's eyes burned with rage.

"Don't die so easily."


The dagger plunged into the Imperial Preceptor's abdomen again.


Blood spurted, horrific screams, cries of agony.

Amidst all this chaos, a twisted smile appeared on Jang Ilso's lips as he silently watched.

It was a smile reminiscent of the crescent moon emerging from the thick clouds.