0012 Your sister sent _1

But since everything was brought over, there was no reason to take it back.

Ellen Young went silent for a moment, then handed the chicken to Aunt Hailey, and simply said, "I made too much, it's for you."

Aunt Hailey was already used to this routine, and after taking it, couldn't help but continue to speak her mind, "Ellen, Aunt Hailey has told you, when you cook at home alone you shouldn't be so wasteful. You can just stew half of the chicken at a time. You always bring some over to Aunt Hailey, I feel so embarrassed."

Ellen Young replied, "It's no big deal."

When Aunt Hailey brought it inside, she said, "Ellen, come in and sit for a bit."

Ellen Young said, "No need, Aunt Hailey, I'm going to go back and eat, enjoy your meal."

She smiled, turned around, and walked away.

Aunt Hailey watched Ellen Young's retreating figure, feeling slightly puzzled.

The fact that her sister had come to Haran Village to find Ellen had been quite the event, so the whole village knew about it.

And Aunt Hailey had heard from the girl next door that Ellen's sister was a superstar, and she was all aflutter like a stalker every day.

As for celebrities, Aunt Hailey really didn't know much about them; her impression of celebrities were mostly those artists who were active in the last century.

However, Lucy Wood and her agent proved to be really generous with their money. Since Aunt Hailey's house had a vacant room, Lucy Wood and Felicia Frost rented it.

To stay for a couple of days to get to know the place.

Of course, Aunt Hailey didn't know anything about the filming of the program; she just thought that Lucy Wood was there to wait for her sister.

When Aunt Hailey returned home with the chicken, her two little rascals quickly ran up to her, cheering, "Ellen Young sent us some delicious food again."

Aunt Hailey laughed and said, "You two are always thinking with your stomachs, but we have Ellen's sister here too, let's eat together later."

With that, she went to call them, shouting from downstairs, "Miss Wood, Miss Frost, it's time to eat. Are you coming down to join us?"

Lucy Wood and Felicia Frost were upstairs in the room.

They were both unaccustomed to everything in the countryside, Felicia Frost was fairing somewhat better, but especially Lucy Wood.

No matter what, she grew up in the Wood Family, and the countryside environment was truly beyond her imagination. Had the conditions not improved from the past, Lucy Wood wouldn't have been able to stay in such a place for three days.

The house of Aunt Hailey was okay, but the thought of Ellen Young's house made Lucy Wood fret.

The condition of that house was more dilapidated than she could have ever imagined, still a tile-roofed house.

She was lethargically playing with her cellphone, but when she heard the shout from downstairs, Felicia Frost responded first, "Thank you, Aunt Hailey, but we won't eat."

Modern urban women do not eat dinner.

Especially Lucy Wood, who was a superstar and had to pay extra attention to her figure.

Her body was already on the thin side, and yet on camera, it was just so-so.

Haters were even more critical than fans, and Lucy Wood was absolutely strict with herself when it came to her body.

Aunt Hailey called out loudly once more, "Are you sure you won't eat? Ellen sent this over for you."

Although Ellen said it was for her, how could Aunt Hailey feel right about it with her niece there?


Lucy Wood almost didn't catch on, but then sat up suddenly from the bed, "Is it Ellen Young?"

Felicia Frost chuckled, "Your dear younger sister?"

She didn't quite see Ellen as the cold-on-the-outside, warm-on-the-inside type.

Although she had agreed to film the show with Lucy Wood, getting food sent over in the evening — it was a bit mystical, wasn't it?

Lucy Wood wasn't thinking that much, her expression somewhat hesitant, "Then I'll go down and check."

Felicia Frost replied, "Alright then."

She followed along and they both went downstairs.