0039 Destined to bear all this_1


"Big sister, Mom said when you go to record the program, to behave yourself and not drag the Wood Family into everything."

"Not just anyone can enter our Wood Family and be called a daughter of the Wood Family."

When Lucy Wood heard the phone call from her brother, she was so angry that she nearly passed out: "What are you talking about? Ellen Young is also your biological sister, born to the same mother; what makes her not a daughter of the Wood Family?"

Her brother was silent for a while before mumbling, "There hasn't been a paternity test."

"If you all want to do a test, you can do it anytime. Ask Mom if she dares."

Felicia Frost watched as Lucy Wood got so angry over a phone call, and couldn't help but want to roll her eyes.

"Oh, I don't know about these things, why are you telling me? If it's something Mom told you, go ask Mom!"

Edward Wood hung up the phone impatiently, leaving Lucy Wood staring at the disconnected cellphone, agape.