0045 She was born different from others_1

At this time, the camera had started testing, so there were staff members behind it making adjustments.

Seeing Lucy Wood's condition, they felt a mix of envy and amusement, "She really is a lady, not even knowing how to peel garlic."

The female director made a face: "I always thought that such out-of-this-world people existed only in legends, now I realize it's my poverty that limited my imagination."

One of the directors who came along, mainly in charge of Lucy's segment, was also a woman, mature and serious.

Felicia Frost and Assistant Nana were here too, watching. Nana was nibbling on spicy sticks bought from the village shop and whispered, "Miss Frost, I don't know if it's just my impression, but I feel like Lucy's sister... looks down on her a bit."

Felicia Frost looked expressionless: "It's not your imagination."

She would look down on her too.

For Ellen Young, Lucy was an unnecessary burden.

Incapable of anything, she had to cook for an extra person.