0106 Impossible, I don't have_1

Felicia Frost gripped her arm, her voice low yet unable to hide her excitement, "You've lost a sesame seed but picked up a watermelon! Do you know which film came looking for me?"

Lucy Wood was somewhat puzzled, "Which one?"

Seeing Felicia this excited, it seemed like no ordinary film. Lucy ventured a guess, "Is it that idol drama I've been yearning for?"

The hugely popular idol drama with a high popularity rating—if she was to land the female lead, it would surely be another surge in her popularity.

Felicia said, "No! It's even better than that. You know the movie 'People of the World,' right? Your favorite director Turner Matt!"

Lucy drew in a sharp breath, nearly screaming, "Oh my God, Turner Matt, my idol! His movie 'People of the World.' Did you network for me and get me a supporting role?"

"Keep it down, keep it down." Felicia was still worried that her excitement would be picked up by Ellen Young's headset, which would then leak out and cause trouble.