0126 Could it be that the school is too famous? _1

That's how things went.

After the program's live broadcast ended, Ellen Young gained her own fan support team.

The incident where Hadton University and Andalu's research institutes were erroneously tagged was initially a blunder, but when some fans and onlookers mocked Ellen, her own fans started to rebut, which was somewhat surprising.

On the Internet, there are many marketing accounts and PR teams monitoring information, capable of digging up anything related to celebrities.

The summarization of Ellen's fans was purely because the fanbase was too odd.

There was this group of accounts among them that didn't just praise Ellen's goodness but spoke in a tone akin to educators, shaming others for their IQ with all sorts of advanced knowledge—and when you Googled it, damn, it was all genuinely high-level academics.

Most of these accounts were newly registered, and the most unbelievable part was that there were fans who only spoke English.