0255 You're the idiot, your whole family is full of idiots_1

Attention may be attention, but the Laursen Seminars of past years were incomprehensible, so this year is no exception.

Many people looked up the Laursen Seminar and found it to be an assembly of immortals in discussion, where even a casual interview with a boss was permeated with an incomprehensible fragrance.

Of course, not all bosses spoke that kind of technical jargon, and some behaved very amiably, even interacting with the audience.

Unfortunately, as formidable as Laursen was, it didn't garner as much attention as it could have due to its remoteness from the average person.

Of course, it also increasingly made people realize that this seminar was indeed very formidable.

Those who could enter would have their names announced after the end of the Laursen Seminar.

The names weren't announced in advance because scientists' schedules couldn't be synchronized, and some might encounter sudden research obligations that could prevent their attendance, which would be embarrassing.