Soul Crit_1

[#Ellen Young Encyclopedia Data# My mother has already called to scold me countless times]

[#Ellen Young Encyclopedia Data# Why does the Wood Family get to... I'm already sick of saying this.]

[#Ellen Young Encyclopedia Data# What exactly does Lucy Wood have to be proud of? What does she have!!!]

[#Ellen Young Encyclopedia Data# Honestly, if the country hadn't officially announced it, and you told me she was a 13-year-old Hadton professor, I would have thought you were fucking bragging/smiling. I thought I'd reached the limits of my imagination, but it turns out some people refuse to do it, not because they can't.]

[#Ellen Young Encyclopedia Data# I can almost see the nightmare of all the students in the world...]

[#Ellen Young Encyclopedia Data# Is it because she has won too many times that she isn't allowed to participate anymore? My tears are welling up; I can't believe she's actually human.]