Chapter 807 All of All (3)

The Grand Duchess also stopped, turned around, and looked at her. "When I first found out, I was indeed a little angry, but then... I came around. I know that KING will be a good king, and he will certainly be a good husband and good father. As a mother, I only wish for his happiness. So... I respect his choice."

"Thank you," Ivana Bennett said gratefully.

"No, Ivana," the Grand Duchess extended her hand and held hers firmly. "I should be the one saying thank you. To be able to see one's child happy is a very fortunate thing. I was wrong before. I truly appreciate you, and your father as well, for raising such a fine daughter, and for his recognition of my son."

Ivana Bennett smiled. "Then... let's not keep thanking each other back and forth as a family."

The Grand Duchess laughed aloud. "That's right, now let's go see... your other family member."