Chapter 003: You better not let me catch you

A boom went off in Ji Xinhe's head, and her breath almost stilled, God has been kind to her, indeed, sending her such a top-grade antidote.

"You're courting death...."

Before the man could finish his sentence, Ji Xinhe started unbuttoning his trousers.

The man's face turned almost as black as the bottom of a pan. In his life, no one appeared to have ever disregarded his words or dared to treat him so... frivolously!

But where could Ji Xinhe care about that? She can't hold back any longer and started acting even more frivolously towards the weak yet alluring man in front of her.

The man's face grew darker and darker, but he had no strength to fight back. His right hand was injured, and his body was shaken with heart-meridian damage. He was almost breathless. Yet, this ruthless woman was still exhausting his last bit of vitality.

Ji Xinhe blinked her eyes and looked down, this sickly attractive man was reacting!

Initially, she was worried that he might not handle it with his near-death state. To her surprise, he did have some strength left!

Ji Xinhe gave the man beneath her a praising and encouraging look, as if she was saying, "Good job!"

Then she swiftly unbuckled her own waist belt.

The man was now so angry that he was about to vomit blood. He was not only furious at this shameless woman but also at his lack of control at this moment. So, this village girl brought him to surrender in just a few moves?!

But his anger was of no use. At this moment, the initiative was entirely in Ji Xinhe's hands.

Yet, Ji Xinhe was still a virgin, and the feeling was indeed... uncomfortable.

After a while, Ji Xinhe exhaled a long and relieved breath: "Ah~ I finally survived."

Ji Xinhe touched her face, finding it not so hot anymore. She swiftly stood up, got dressed in a hurry, and then finally looked at the man who was already weak. His face seemed to have turned a shade paler.

Ji Xinhe nudged him with her foot: "You aren't going to die, are you?"

The man opened his eyes slightly, looking at her with his ever-brooding gaze. But in the depths, it seemed as if there was a hint of suppressed pleasure shimmering.

Ji Xinhe squatted down and started reasoning with him: "So, you didn't lose in this, did you? You reacted, means you willingly participated. I, a virgin girl, was taken advantage of by you, and I didn't complain. You, as a man, should be even less bothered, right? Had you objected, you wouldn't have reacted."

Upon thinking about this, Ji Xinhe somehow felt somewhat justified. Maybe she was the one at a loss here!

The man stared at her coldly, she didn't know if it was an illusion or her eyes were playing tricks on her, but it seemed like a blush appeared on his almost translucently white face. His voice carried a hint of gritted teeth: "Get lost."

Couldn't this man use a new phrase?

"Alright, I'll leave. From now on, we go our separate ways and are just strangers passing by. Today's incident is as if it didn't happen. Don't worry, I won't go to the authorities to complain about you."

The corner of the man's mouth twitched violently. Who should complain about whom? Could she have some shame?

Ji Xinhe didn't say much else, she knew that the situation must have gotten pretty chaotic by now. If she lingered any longer, it would end even worse.

As Ji Xinhe was about to leave, she had a moment of "guilt," so she used the man's clothes to cover him up and scattered a few dried branches on him.

The man's face turned instantly dark as he glared at her.

Ji Xinhe clapped her hands and said, "Do you intend to lie here as a fugitive without a care to be found?"

The light in the man's eyes seemed a bit less cold.

Ji Xinhe turned around and left.

The man surprisingly spoke, "Who are you?" His voice was somewhat cold but also low and compelling.

If she wasn't his assassin, nor was she a simple village girl, then who was she?

Ji Xinhe blinked: "A beauty you freely took advantage of."

The man squinted at Ji Xinhe's face. Her shaggy hair, chaotic like a beggar's, was entangled on her face. A large bloody hole marked her forehead, and her dried blood solidifying on her wax-like complexion...

The man's eyes showed undisguised disgust, and his beautiful brows furrowed.

Ji Xinhe's noticed his expression, inexplicably annoyed. She had always been confident in her looks, no man had ever showed any disgust towards her. She completely forgot the fact that she now had a different body and instantly glared at him, coldly humming, "What are you looking at? Shameless."

Then she turned around and left with determined strides.

The man's face showed an incredibly diverse array of expressions; it even seemed like one could hear him grinding his teeth, clearly on the verge of swearing.

(Not too long after Ji Xinhe left, a pair of horse riders stealthily approached the hilltop.)

The man's whole body tensed up. He could feel that their footsteps were getting closer, but he couldn't discern whether they were his men.

Until he heard a familiar voice: "Young master? Young master, are you here?"

The man breathed a sigh of relief. If it was an enemy who found him at this moment, given his current condition, he would probably be dead.

"Ling Feng."

On hearing the voice, Ling Feng immediately led his men over, and thanks to his sharp eyes, he found the man hidden under the branches.

"Young master..."

After opening the branches covering Marquis Mu, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief. However, seeing the disordered clothes on Marquis Mu and the scratches faintly visible underneath...

"Roll!" Mu Houchu was really furious.

Ling Feng quickly turned his head away and kneeled on the ground: "This subordinate has arrived late! Please, young master, forgive me!"

The group of men in black behind Ling Feng also kneeled down in unison: "Young master, forgive us!"

"Are you going to kneel there until I die?" Mu Houchu said ominously.

"No, no, not at all, I'll take the young master back right now and summon a doctor to cure him." Ling Feng hurriedly said, not daring to take another glance at Marquis Mu. His heart was pounding, utterly unsure of what the young master had been through.....

Wasn't he supposed to be indifferent to women?

Mu Houchu's face turned even darker, the hand hidden up his sleeve creaking from being clenched so tightly, Damn woman, you better not let me catch you!