Chapter 009: Just Kill Us?

Upon hearing this, Lady Ding's face immediately turned pale. The villagers, who had been watching from outside the door, also began to buzz with discussions.

"You little brat, who gets a chicken egg every day? When have I ever had a chicken egg every day? Wasn't it all for you ungrateful little beasts?" Lady Ding stared wide-eyed, constantly shooting signals to Ji Dashan.

Ji Dashan, who cared about his reputation, quickly sternly said, "Don't talk nonsense, or I'll throw you all out!"

Startled, Ji Xinhe quickly huddled into Ji Dong's embrace: "Can't I make mistakes? Dad, don't throw me out. Winter is just around the corner, won't I freeze to death? I won't eat chicken eggs anymore. I'll save all the good food for my stepmother and Sister Xiulan. Even if Xiao Bei and I starve, it's okay. Xiao Bei, you remember what your sister said, right? You must be obedient in the future. Even if you get a chicken egg from Gou Dan, you have to feed it to mum. You're not allowed to eat meat either."

Upon hearing Ji Xinhe's words, Xiao Bei's eyes turned red from feeling wronged: "Xiao Bei has never eaten eggs or meat. Even when I was tempted by our stepmother and Sister Xiulan eating, I just swallowed my saliva. Xiao Bei has been a very good boy, right?"

"Xiao Bei is the best behaved. It's better to suffer a bit than to be thrown out and freeze to death in the cold," Ji Xinhe cried, her shoulders shuddering.

Xiao Bei started crying loudly: "Sister, it would be nice if our mother was still alive."

"Yes, if our mother was alive, she definitely wouldn't accuse Xiao Bei of being a thief and she wouldn't refuse to give me an egg when I'm injured this badly."

Finally, someone couldn't stand it anymore: "Old Ji, aren't you being too cruel to these children? The child is injured like this, why can't she even eat an egg? Your wife has an egg a day, what's wrong with sharing one with the child? And accusing the child of being a thief, aren't you afraid that your dead wife will take revenge on you at night for your black heart?"

"Exactly, look at these skinny kids, you better worry about divine punishment!"

Lady Ding screamed, "Don't listen to these young troublemakers chattering away. How can you believe their nonsense?"

Ji Dong gritted his teeth and said, "The money for Xin He to see the doctor was not given by you. It was borrowed from Li Lang, waiting to be paid back by doing hard labor in the town in the future."

The villagers erupted in discussion again.

Lady Ding's eyes widened, "We were just short of cash at home, and asked you to borrow it from Li Lang. Where did the idea come from that you should do hard labor?"

Ji Xinhe wiped away her tears again, "Brother, it's our fault. We misunderstood our stepmother. It turns out that we are just out of money at home. I'm so silly, I always thought we were rich."

If it were in the past, Ji Dong would definitely think that Ji Xinhe was acting foolishly and would scold her to wake her up. But at this moment, he felt that Ji Xinhe had changed, so he went along with what Ji Xinhe said and asked, "Why did you think we were rich?"

"Our stepmother has a jewelry box full of gold and silver hairpins, and a green jade bracelet, all of which look like they're worth a lot."

The crowd was in an uproar. Perhaps it is because Li Lang, who was also in the crowd, couldn't help but step forward and curse, "Ji Dashan's wife, you are too much. It's only seventy copper coins for medical expenses, and you still let Dongzi owe me. I thought it was because your family is short of silver coins and cannot make ends meet, so I agreed to it. But I didn't expect that you had the nerve to borrow money while having those valuables!"

Lady Ding's face was alternating between red and white as she glared fiercely at Ji Dashan.

Only then did Ji Dashan yell at Ji Xinhe, "Haven't you caused enough trouble? Are you trying to disgrace the entire Ji family?!"

Ji Xinhe chuckled coldly inside, what does she care about the reputation of the Ji family!?/p>

However, Ji Xinhe continued to weep even more violently, "Dad, I'm wrong, I was wrong, please don't hit me. Last time you beat me because I ate Sister Xiulan's chestnut cake, I couldn't get out of bed for three days. I definitely won't make father angry again. Please, don't hit me anymore!"

The villagers were absolutely furious: "Old Ji, don't forsake your conscience! These are all your own children!"

Ji Dong clenched his fists, clearly unable to endure further. Suddenly, he stood up, his gaze directly on Ji Dashan.

Ji Dashan, frightened, stumbled backward as if to retreat. His temperament was naturally timid. In normal days, he only dared to throw his weight around in front of his children. Ji Dong had never been rebellious towards him, but this sudden explosion was terrifying indeed. It scared him, even eliciting fear from within him.

"If our parents view us with disdain, they might as well separate us from the family earlier. Assuming responsibility for my younger siblings alone is better than enduring continual bullying," Ji Dong raged through gritted teeth.

"That's absurd! Letting young kids take care of their own family is simply preposterous! Our Ji family would never do such a thing!" Lady Ding shrieked. She clearly couldn't bear to part with this source of income. Not to mention Ji Dong and Ji Bei's labor. The crucial point was Ji Xinhe: she had pocketed the silver from selling him to Pork Three, and it was not over. If Ji Xinhe left, how could she pawn him off to Pork Three.

Ji Xinhe had her number. Ji Dashan always threatened to cast them out. In truth, Lady Ding could not bear to cast them out. Since the prospect frightened her, wouldn't this be her chance to negotiate?

Ji Xinhe winked at Ji Dong, who then said, "We've been slandered as freeloaders at home, denied money for medical fees, and deprived even of an egg. Now we want to leave, and you're unhappy. Are you trying to drive us to death?"

Lady Ding was left speechless, but the Ji siblings were calm, almost as if they were enjoying the drama.

Ji Dashan was at a loss and could only look to Lady Ding.

All eyes turned to Lady Ding.

Ji Xinhe took the opportunity to fan the flames. She turned to the villagers and said, "Uncles and aunties, I beg of you, please summon Li Zheng to publicly attest. Our parents want us to leave. We have the same thought. Can they just let us move out?"

"What separation? We are a family. How could I let you little ones go and suffer in the northwest wind? I will pay Li Lang's money immediately. As for a petty egg, you can have it if you want! A child's temper is so volatile, how can one live with this?" Lady Ding desperately tried to prevent the departure.

The matter of Pork Three is most urgent, Ji Xinhe must not be allowed to escape!

"Ji Xinhe needs sustenance to recover from his illness, one egg is not enough," Ji Dong offered.

Xiao Bei chimed in, "Yes, we need an egg a day! Besides, we also need to eat meat daily." A bold demand.

Lady Ding was pained but, gritting her teeth, granted the children's requests: "Of course, you should."

In her heart, she was concocting a plan: 'first, let them enjoy these few days, then I will use some methods to make you go with Pork Three. All the money that I lost today will be earned back tomorrow!'

Only then did Ji Xinhe smile brightly, "I knew mom was the best. I was just throwing a tantrum. If we were really separated, I would miss you guys."

Today, you are given the chance to split, but if you don't take it, your predicament in the future might be exponentially worse.

Ji Xinhe chuckled darkly in her heart. Her face beaming with a smile, a chilling air also seemed to be emanating from her.

Lady Ding, looking at this, got an uneasy feeling.