Chapter 022: It Must Be You!

Suddenly, the noise of a rowdy crowd came from outside.

Ji Xinhe's eyes darkened slightly, and she was about to open the door to go out.

But Ji Dong hurriedly grabbed her: "Let me go instead."

He was reluctant to see his sister in danger.

Ji Xinhe shook her head, though: "I have to go myself; otherwise, I won't feel at ease. Brother, just accompany me."

Ji Dong thought that since Ji Xinhe had regained consciousness, she had become more decisive, and every time he faced her calm demeanor, he also felt much more at ease. He nodded: "Alright."

As Ji Xinhe ran outside, she saw that the once quiet village, already enveloped by night, was now bustling with activity, with most of the lamps lit.

Seeing that Ji Xinhe had come out, Ji Dong hurried over and asked; "Auntie, what's going on? Why is it suddenly so noisy?"

The auntie hurriedly replied, "I heard that Pork San fell into the river, and the villagers just rescued him."