Chapter 030: Of course, I won't ignore you

At least, it was not another unexpected incident from last night, Ji Xinhe was finally able to relax a little.

That government official continued: "However, even though the new emperor is benevolent and granted amnesty to all upon his ascension, should anyone start disorderly conflicts from today onwards—if caught by the government office—they will face harsh penalties!"

An emperor pardoning the populace is a way to win over the people's hearts and showcase benevolence. However, as the new emperor just took the throne, the foundation of the state is not stable. Therefore, it is crucial to use severe penalty to restrain the common people in such circumstances, to prevent chaos. This can also be seen as a monarch's tactic.

However, all of this was too far from Yang Luo Bay.

They patiently waited for the official announcement to finish, and then they heard him say: "Did you hear that clearly?"

"Long live the emperor!" The entire village knelt together.