Chapter 090: Holding Warmth

Ji Xinhe frowned slightly and softly closed the door before stepping back. She glanced at the pitch-black night outside and felt her suspicion growing.

With such quick movements, it was not his first time sneaking out this late at night. It just so happened that she couldn't sleep tonight and was more alert than most bystanders, which allowed her to notice his movements. What on earth was he up to?

Thinking back to how interested he seemed in the iron mine issue after they had heard about it in town, was his decision to hide away in Lian'an Town connected to the mine?

As Ji Xinhe pondered this, her drowsiness vanished completely. She had to wait for him to return and catch him red-handed to get some answers!

She pulled out the thick and warm cotton jacket she'd made earlier, wrapped it around herself, and sat by his door to wait, but time seemed to pass slowly, and he was still nowhere to be seen. The night grew darker, and Ji Xinhe's drowsiness intensified.