Chapter 129: Being Disrespected Twice

Ji Xinhe glared at Mu Houchu and reluctantly got on the bullock cart. After all, she felt sorry for Xiao Bei. The road was too far, and she didn't want him to walk all the way to town.

Once on the bullock cart, Ji Xinhe firmly pinched Xiao Bei's face: "You've really got some guts now, always sticking up for others."

Xiao Bei, with a painful face from her pinch, cried out: "Brother Mu Chu is now my master and will be like a father to me forever, how can he be an outsider? Moreover, Brother Mu Chu is going to marry my sister in the future, he will be my brother-in-law, even less of an outsider."

Ji Xinhe snorted lightly: "So in Xiao Bei's heart, he is more important than me."

Mu Houchu couldn't help laughing and shaking his head: "You're seriously picking on a kid over this?"