Chapter 139: Until Old, Until Death

"I'm too busy with the house right now to think about that. Please stop teasing me about it," Ji Dong said helplessly.

More importantly, he felt that he didn't have any abilities, so why should a girl follow him? He never dreamed of marrying a wife or anything like that in these years.

Ji Xinhe waved his hand: "Alright, we won't talk about it."

Then, as if suddenly remembering something, he asked, "Didn't you say a while ago that you wanted to send a return gift to Xiao Cui? Did you do it?"

Ji Dong scratched his head: "When I went to town to buy bricks and tiles, I passed by a small jewelry stand. I thought girls liked dressing up, so I bought a box of rouge."

Ji Xinhe's eyes lit up, her brother's head wasn't completely blockheaded! He even knew to send rouge.

Ji Xinhe smiled and served Ji Dong a chopstick-full of vegetables: "Big brother is so thoughtful."

Ji Dong was stunned, for some reason, what he thought was normal suddenly seemed different when it came to his sister?