Chapter 152: Great Fortune

"Your Highness, as you can see, Minister Mu's body was found in the desolate wilderness. It was actually impossible to find the body, but His Majesty cherished his relationship with Minister Mu and ordered that the body must be found. Unfortunately, the search team was one step too late. The body was already mutilated, but Minister Mu's personal sword was found, along with these ink-colored clothes. Your Highness should be able to recognize it as Minister Mu's."

A coffin was placed high in the hall. Because the coffin lid was covered, it was not clear what was inside. Only a blood-stained ink-colored corner of a robe was revealed at the corner, quite startling.

There was also a sword that Marquis Mu Houchu was accustomed to using. Now it lay neatly on top of the coffin as the most significant proof.

Princess Chaoyang unconsciously stepped back a few steps, covering her chest in shock: "Is this... is this really him?"