Chapter 205: He Is Disturbed

Coming to the capital to conduct business and set up a shop now, though she did indeed intend to continue cooperation with Guilin Residence, there was no rationale in discussing friendship in business. The so-called "no businessman is upright," everyone was merely gathering for profit.

If she accepted Guilin Residence's favor today, she would eventually have to repay in the future. But she was not one to enjoy being shackled, thus, it's better not to accept this favor.

Master Liu looked at Ji Xinhe's insistence and laughed while stroking his beard, "I heard of Miss Ji's intelligence and resourcefulness before, and seeing it today, it really wasn't untrue."

Xin He smiled, "Master Liu overpraises."

"Well then, I'll have someone arrange for you to stay in the house, you should prepare early, the business opportunities in the capital can't be delayed." Master Liu meant profoundly.