Chapter 287 What Do You Mean

Yet, when faced with Yuchi Gong's angry glare, Ji Xinhe looked unperturbed. Far from showing any fear, she even hooked up a small smile at the corners of her lips.

"Master Yuchi, you certainly kept me waiting. I've already had a cup of tea while waiting for you. If one didn't know any better, one might think you were avoiding me out of shame."

Yuchi Gong's face darkened even more, "Bah!" he spat, "What would I be afraid of!"

Clearly, he no longer cared to maintain any pretense of civility. Ji Xinhe was driving him crazy.

Xin He, nonchalantly, chuckled: "Indeed, there's nothing to be afraid of. I simply brought Master Yuchi some jugs of wine, the three new fruit wines we've recently brewed. Apple wine, Waxberry wine, and together with grape wine, they form a series. You have all tasted and are aware of the delightful taste of grape wine. I assure you, these three will not disappoint either."