Chapter 213: I Don't Want It Anymore

"Xin He," Mu Houchu's voice was very hoarse, his eyes almost drowning as he looked at her.

Xin He turned her head away in mortification, not wanting to look at him.

"Ah!" Xin He's neck turned red with embarrassment, she immediately grabbed his hand, torn between embarrassment and annoyance. In her hasty distress, she couldn't utter a single word. After a while, she finally managed to grit out three words: "Mu! Hou! Chu!"

Mu Houchu gently kissed her slightly swelled lips: "Baby, just this once."

Xin He's face turned so red it seemed to bleed: "You bastard, I'll never trust your words again!"

"I can't hold out any longer, I'm afraid I'll collapse."

Xin He was livid: "You got what you deserved!"

Mu Houchu whispered in her ear: "Xin He, Xin He."

She bit her lip, trying hard not to say a word.

But she couldn't fool Mu Houchu, let alone herself. This man had slept with her only once, but he had coveted her more times than she could count.

He knew everything!