Chapter 391: Causing Trouble

Three days ago, when the beauties' paintings were hung up at Guilin Residence, Lian'an Town was buzzing with excitement. The news of the Oiran competition at the Flower House spread throughout the small town in an instant, and even people in the prefecture city heard about it because of Ah Lian's reputation.

During these few days, people never seemed to stop discussing this exciting event. Conversations at teatime and meals always focused on the beauties' paintings, Flower House, and Ah Lian – full of anticipation, disbelief, admiration, and curiosity. After three days of endless chatter, the Flower House finally opened its doors for business to a lively atmosphere.

It was dusk, and the bustling Hua Street was already lively. Generally, the street was most bustling after nightfall, when the lanterns were lit, and the tender voices of the courtesans called out to potential customers. The music of strings and flutes created the most beautiful scenery of the night.