Chapter 443 Naked Threat

Steward Song's smile hid a hint of ruthlessness. "Otherwise, with Miss Yi Ling's background, does she hope to become an honored concubine? Our old master has shown mercy. Yi Ling must not be ungrateful. Otherwise, from today onwards, our Sun family will wash our hands of her. We will simply turn around and leave. As for Yi Ling's fate, it may not necessarily end well."

Such a barefaced threat!

Yi Ling stared at Sun Yaowen with bloodshot eyes. He stood there as if nothing was wrong, seeming to have entirely forgotten his promise to grant her the identity of an honored concubine.

Now, if the Sun family would not help her, even if she had stolen the servitude contract from Madam Chen, she could easily be tortured to death by her!

Madam Chen had tortured her to the brink of her life but had not killed her. Wasn't the only reason for this to placate the Sun family?

If now the Sun family proclaimed that they would abandon her, would Madam Chen still let her off the hook?