Chapter 506: A Bit Skillful

However, after this incident, Madam Song, who was previously hesitant to stay, now had no choice but to stay.

After all, Song Ya Lan had disappeared in Lian'an Town. She was not the biological daughter of Madam Song. Naturally, there were some matters that she had to be particularly cautious about. Now that Song Ya Lan was lost in Lian'an Town, and Madam Song had triumphantly returned to the Prefecture City, news of this could cause more controversy.

If Song Ya Lan were her own daughter, the matter could be let it rest. However, she was only her niece. If people with ulterior motives were to start rumors, gossip would inevitably arise.

Therefore, even just to save face, Madam Song had to stay here.

Madam Song gave Ji Xinhe a rather rueful smile: "This event today... Sigh, I've really caused you a lot of trouble."

She didn't expect that a simple outing would result in so much upheaval.

In the future, she absolutely could not allow that disgrace, Song Ya Lan, to go out!