Chapter 581: Gave Birth

"Sister...." Xiao Bei was somewhat at blank space.

Xin He gentlely stroked Xiao Bei's head, whispering, "It's okay, he won't let anything happen to him. Don't cry, and don't be afraid, your sister is here for you."

Xiao Bei shook his head vigorously, "Xiao Bei is not scared! Xiao Bei is not scared at all! If sister isn't afraid, Xiao Bei mustn't be either! Brother-in-law will be okay!"

Xin He forced a smile, unclear if out of humor or not, "Yes, he once promised, he won't let anything happen to him, and I believe him."

Xin He lowered her head to gently rub her stomach, whispering to Ah Guai in her womb, you must believe him too.

In recent days, Xiao Bei and Xiao Chaihuo were concerned and stopped going to school. Instead, they stayed at home with Xin He, their hearts hanging high due to the lack of clear-cut news.

One night, Xiao Bei cautiously asked Xiao Chaihuo, "Could the brother-in-law really be dead?" His voice trembled slightly out of fear.