Chapter 513: I Pity You

Before she finished speaking, Duan Lan said coldly, "Don't evade me by bringing up my parents!"

Li Junyan had been married for six years, and Duan Lan hadn't had a moment of affection for her. However, she was very adept at establishing a good image of a dutiful daughter-in-law in front of his parents. Duan Lan almost guessed that Li Junyan must have wanted to come here herself, and then she beseeched their parents to send her to him.

By doing this, she could maintain her status and use his parents as an excuse to persuade him.

Did this woman really think he was stupid? Could he really be deceived so easily?

Li Junyan's hands clenched tightly within her sleeves, her face changing several times before she finally said, choked with tears, "I shouldn't have come here on my own, but both my parents and I were worried about you. Whenever you leave, Qingyun is your only personal servant, and you bring with you this man who is indifferent. My parents...they are..."