Chapter 652: After all, the current situation...

Xiao Chaihu's eyes dimmed slightly, and he couldn't help feeling disheartened.

Yes, what kind of man besides him would be worthy of her? No matter who it was, they could never be someone like him who came from such a humble and lowly background.

Xiao Chaihu lowered his head slightly to hide the sadness in his eyes.

Since Xiao Chaihu was always good at keeping his emotions hidden, even now, as Xiao Bei was immersed in joy, he didn't notice it, and slapped Xiao Chaihu on the shoulder, laughing: "Hey, since you're going with me this time, you have to help me keep a close eye on everything. Perhaps I'll let you see my future wife!"

Xiao Chaihu brushed off his hand with an expressionless face: "Not interested."

Xiao Chaihu was indeed going, but not to accompany Xiao Bei, but to follow Xin He on some errands.

Xin He's visit to the Song family this time had other purposes, and Xiao Chaihu knew about them.