Chapter 10 The Main Family Wants to Split Up

Once the issue was resolved, Mr. Shen dismissed everyone, leaving only Shen Chengguang and Shen Jingwen to chat.

Once the room was empty, save for Mr. Shen and Mrs. Shen, Shen Chengguang couldn't wait to speak: "Dad, Wen'er's teacher said that Wen'er's scholarly abilities are quite impressive. He could very likely pass the exam and become a successful scholar next year."

"Really?" Upon hearing these words, Mr. Shen was so excited that his hands began to tremble. All of his life, his dearest wish was for someone in the Shen family to enter officialdom. His eldest grandson was now only 16 years old but had already passed the student examination at 15. This, in itself, made him incredibly proud. He had initially thought it would take at least another five or six years for his grandson to achieve scholarly status. But now, there was a promising chance that his grandson could become a certified scholar at 17 - a rarity in their county. Once a member of the Shen family became a scholar, they would be one step closer to becoming an official. Once they ascended to the rank of a second-tier scholar and became an official, he would then become a respected elder. He would finally be able to face his ancestors with dignity and pride.

"It's true. Why would I lie about such a thing? It was just this morning that the master told Wen'er of this. He advised him to work harder so that he may give the provincial examination a try next year and come back as a scholar." Shen Chengguang was filled with joy. Seeing his son fulfill the ambition which he himself could not was just as satisfying. For this reason, he was determined to eliminate any potential obstacles in his son's path ahead of time.

"Father, Mother, I wish to divide the family property after the fall harvest."

"What?" The joy over his grandson's potential success was still fresh when Mr. Shen was startled by the mention of a division of property.

"Division of property? Absolutely not!" Mrs. Shen was taken aback upon hearing these words. She took great pleasure in ordering her daughters-in-law about. Seeing them work under her command made her feel like a real matriarch.

Coming to his senses, Mr. Shen felt a cold dash of disappointment upon hearing his eldest son bring up the thought of division. "Chengguang, your brothers and their families have been scrimping and saving all these years just to support your and Wen'er's education. We can't fail them by forgetting the sacrifices they made."

Even though his affection for his eldest son exceeded that of his others, he knew how much his other sons had struggled, supporting the education of his eldest son and grandson. But he was of the belief that once someone in the main family became an official, everyone else would enjoy a better life. Therefore, any hardship endured until then would be worth it.

"Father, where are your thoughts taking you? Do you think I have forgotten my roots? First, hear me out," Shen Chengguang straightened up, approaching the topic with utmost seriousness. "Father, even if we divide our properties, my brothers will still be my brothers, and uncles to Wen'er. As the saying goes, 'the eldest brother is as the father.' How could I possibly overlook their well-being? Moreover, Wen'er studies the ancient classics and hence is imbued with filial piety. He constantly expresses his gratitude for your and grandmother's sacrifices to support his studies. He is eager to perform well in his exam, hoping to pay back everybody by becoming the top scorer. My proposition to divide our family is due to a fear of future complications."

"Father, think about it. Wen'er is talented, and once he becomes an official, he'll undoubtedly work for the welfare of the people. But talented individuals often attract the envy and malice of others who might plot against him from behind the scenes. These dangers are often unavoidable. And if the plotters succeed, and we are undivided as a household, the entire family would then be implicated. But if we have already separated, not only would my brothers not be dragged down, they might also be able to help clear our name and seek justice from outside. This would pave the way for a comeback for Wen'er to rise again. Doesn't it come across as a well-thought-out strategy, both offensive and defensive?"

Mr. Shen pondered over it and found the logic sound. Reminiscing his son's childhood, he recognized his caring nature towards his younger siblings and his sharing nature whenever they had delicious food. He was convinced that once in power, Chengguang would not forget his younger siblings. Upon weighing the pros and cons, he too thought that it was more advantageous to divide and part ways. In case of an unforeseen disaster, the whole family would become extinct; an outcome he could not risk.

Mrs. Shen, a domineering figure within her home, had always dreamed of becoming the mother of a grand official, lording over maids and manservants. However, she too had to face reality. "Father, let's divide the property. We shouldn't continue living under the roof of the eldest son's family!"

Upon hearing these words, Shen Chengguang's eyes lit up. He wasn't afraid of unforeseen circumstances. Most officials protect each other, and out of so many, only a few face extinction. That usually happens to ministers closest to the emperor; it's like serving a tiger. As his family held no power, at best he could hope to be a seventh-tier official. But even that rank entitled one to a comfortable and affluent life. He didn't wish for a hoard of poor relatives when he finally became an official. How disgraceful would that be!

"Are you foolish? If we're not staying with the eldest son, might as well forgo the idea of Wen'er becoming an official!"

Shen Chengguang's excitement dimmed slightly upon hearing this, realizing the truth in his father's words. As the eldest son, if his family did not align with him, they'd be drowned by a deluge of criticism.

After much contemplation, Mr. Shen was convinced that partitioning was the safest option, as it also ensured a safety net for the future. "You've thought this through thoroughly, Chengguang. We indeed must divide the property, and even after separation, we will still be brothers and you will still be able to support your younger brothers."

Shen Chengguang, seeing his parents in agreement, was secretly delighted. He quickly stated, "Father, we should divide our property soon, the sooner the better. People won't accuse us of ingratitude if we do it early enough, before Jingwen passes the scholarly examination."

This was typical hypocrisy— attempting to maintain an image of honor while indulging in unscrupulous acts.

"Grandfather, Grandmother, I will certainly take good care of you, and make sure you enjoy your old age as the elder Lord and Lady. I will also help my uncles whenever I can." Shen Jingwen added timely.

Relieved after hearing this, Mr. Shen nodded. "Good boy, I understand. You both may leave now. I need some time to think about how to divide our property."

"We'll leave you to it then." After hearing this, both father and son left the room, brimming with elation.

Once Shen Chengguang and his son left, Mr. Shen asked Mrs. Shen, "How much silver do we currently have in reserve?"

"Sixty taels." Mrs. Shen took out a locked wooden box from a cabinet, counted, and announced a number. Of course, the actual amount was much more than she let on.

Mr. Shen glanced at Mrs. Shen, but ultimately said nothing.

"Yuzhu hasn't married yet, we need to give her a share when the property is divided." Regardless of the situation, Mrs. Shen would never forget her beloved daughter. Her adoration for her daughter amidst a culture that prioritized sons over daughters was indeed rare.

"We have twenty acres of high-quality land, five acres of moderate quality land, ten acres of dry land, ten acres of sandy land. If divided into six sections, each family would receive three acres of high-quality land..."

By the time they'd discussed the division of property, dinner was ready to be served.