Chapter 44 - Big Sale

During the farming off-season, more people came into the city for market day, causing Xiao'er and her family to wait for a quarter of an hour before they could access the city. Once inside, Shen Chengyao had to search for a long time before he found a middle-aged man who had just sold his game and was preparing to leave.

With keen eyes and nimble hands, Xiao'er quickly jumped off the bull cart with a bag of herbs to claim the spot.

An uncle who was a split second late couldn't help but lament, "This girl is really quick! Even though I'm closer, I wasn't as fast as her."

"I'm small and nimble, that's why. Uncle, there's an aunt over there who's about to sell out of eggs, you should go and wait. Otherwise, you won't have a spot again."

Upon hearing this, the uncle looked over, and sure enough, she was nearly out of eggs. Without wasting any more time, he shouldered his basket and ran over. He had already circled this street twice.