Chapter 78 Reunion

In the winter evening, night fell early. All the lights of every family in Lianxi Village were put out and the first snowflakes of the year started to flutter down from the sky!

A carriage alighted from the official road and made its way into Lianxi Village.

Mrs. Liu leaned over to draw back the curtain, catching sight of a long courtyard wall and towering houses in the darkness.

"Was this house built?" Mrs. Liu exclaimed, recalling the incomplete courtyard wall she saw when they had left.

Yun'er also peeked outside, astonished at the grandeur of the house. It was even grander than the ones in the city, and she wondered whose it was.

After a moment, the carriage came to a halt. Shen Chengyao pulled back the canvas curtain and reached out his hands, "Yun'er, we're home. Let me help you down from the carriage."

After Shen Chengyao helped Yun'er off, he pivoted back to help Fang Wenri.