Chapter 91: A Slap

Early on the second day, Xiao'er's family had just finished breakfast when the front gate was again pounded with a thunderous knock! This was accompanied by the loud yelling of Mrs. Shen!

"Mrs. Liu, open the door! You ruthless woman, hurry up and open the door!"

Just as Shen Chengyao wanted to open the door, Mrs. Liu quickly stood up and handed him his little sister, "I'll go!"

Mrs. Shen was calling out her name. If Shen Chengyao were to open the door, he would end up getting scolded again! Avoiding trouble is better than seeking it.

Was this the convenience of incessant disturbances after severing relations? They didn't need to make a living, but her own family was very busy! They had just clinched the iron deal! The junk shop in town had not even been purchased yet!