Chapter 150: The Old Man's Calculations

"The Emperor has granted me such a great reward. This is the only thing I can do for the Imperial Court. Why shouldn't I accept it? Moreover, this is doing good for the people! If you eat the King's grain, you should bear the King's worries. I can't refuse!"

"But this is something beyond human control. What if the crops fail and the Emperor blames you?" Mr. Shen felt the risk was too great; it wasn't worth it!

"If the Emperor blames us, as long as it doesn't involve us, why should you care so much? You're overthinking this!" Mrs. Shen retorted dismissively.

"If you do well, you'll be rewarded, and if you don't, you'll be punished. Isn't this very normal?" Shen Chengyao didn't think there was anything wrong with this. This wasn't a matter of family extermination!

How could everything in the world be guaranteed to go smoothly before attempting it?

As for Mrs. Shen's words, his own mother always spoke like this. He decided to ignore it.