Chapter 183: No Arrow Shot in Vain

We had just started going into the mountain, and we hadn't seen even a single feather along the way.

No one was worried. We just kept moving forward. As the sun slowly rise, the early sun reflected on the snow. Pheasants and hares began to come out for food.

Xiao'er held a small stone in her hand all the way, and whenever she saw these little animals, she would throw a stone at them. Once thrown, it would hit its target, knocking them out!

Several people who had never seen Xiao'er's special skills were shocked and dumbfounded.

No wonder Shen Chengyao would bring these children along. They were trained.

If a girl can do this, then the other three boys must be even more capable! Thinking of this, the others looked at Jingrui and Jinghao with a different gaze.