Chapter 193: Life is Like a Play

Instead of heading straight home after returning from the prefecture city, Xiao'er's family made a detour to a furniture shop.

The proprietor of the winery was already waiting there for them.

"Apologies for having kept you waiting, Boss Shi," Xiao'er said.

"Where did you see this jade pendant before?" The winery owner pulled out a drawing that Xiao'er had sent him and asked her about it.

"Cousin Zhiwen, could you please show your jade pendant to this respected elder?" Xiao'er requested.

Everyone looked at Xiao'er and Boss Shi with a sense of bewilderment, feeling like something was about to happen.

Zhiwen took out his jade pendant which he carried with him all the time and handed it to the winery owner.

The winery owner, trembling hands holding the jade pendant, was immediately overcome with tears. "Die'er..." he murmured.

The sight of him in such a state made everyone feel uneasy.