Chapter 212: Compensation Must Be Given

"Young Master, I am grateful for your assistance in saving my life. I am willing to stay by your side and serve you..." The woman continued pleading despite being kicked away.

Xiao'er couldn't help but roll her eyes. Why were women of ancient times always so dramatic when expressing their gratitude, always wanting to offer their bodies in return?

"Miss, you have it all wrong. It was that man who saved you! You should express your gratitude to him." Xiao'er stated, curious to see her reaction.

The hidden guard, known as Fourteen, had a scar running down his face, giving him a ferocious look.

The woman carrying the baby walked over, "Thank you, Young Master, for saving us!"

Shangguan Xuanyi nodded without uttering a word. He wasn't interested in such trivial matters, his only desire was to quickly leave.

"You should get the child some dry clothes quickly," Xiao'er reminded her.

The woman nodded in acknowledgment and then hurried off.