Chapter 215: Not Far Now

"Would it be difficult to meet each other? If you simply sent a message, I could easily visit you too! I should have thought about visiting you earlier knowing that you are pregnant." Mrs. Liu felt a twinge of guilt at this point.

"Dear sister, your unwavering care for me leaves no room for negligence! It's as though my biological parents have come back to life."

During her pregnancy, Mrs. Liu kept sending her nutritious food to boost her health.

Xu Wenhui, overcome by emotion, shed tears reminiscent of past events.

Foreman Liang quickly soothed her, "What's the reason for your sudden tears?"

"Even though you are about to be a mother, you still behave like a child. Women shouldn't cry during pregnancy, otherwise, the baby might turn out to be ugly." Mrs. Liu attempted to consolate her with a minor scare tactic.

Motherhood often brings forth immense fortitude; mothers are capable of enduring just about anything for their children.