Chapter 222

"Minze welcomes you, to share in our joy under the sun

And to create a golden age on this loess land


The song kept soaring, filling the blank space on the scroll.


"With courage, miracles come."

As the last note fell, the scroll rolled itself up, and eighteen ladies formed a circle, swinging their right hands backward simultaneously. Then they bowed, and two of them slowly unrolled the scroll, revealing a magnificent landscape painting before everyone's eyes.

Twenty women stood up straight and bowed as one: "We wish His Majesty, long life without boundaries!"

It was then that the officials regained their senses and cried out, "Long live the Emperor!"

The Japanese envoy was dumbfounded: "How is that possible?"

How could such a vivid, diverse, and magnificent painting be completed in such a short time? No one was seen holding a brush, no one was seen holding an inkstone. Who made this painting?

It's as if I've seen a ghost!