Amidst a crowd of ladies and young misses exchanging pleasantries, Shangguan Xuanyi walked in carrying the two-year-old little prince.

After the greetings, Shangguan Xuanyi told the Empress, "The Seventh Prince insisted on coming to see you, Mother."

The tiny Seventh Prince, Shangguan Xuanqu, had by then wriggled out of Shangguan Xuanyi's grip, scurried towards the Empress with his short little legs, and nestled into her embrace.

"Mother! Father will not let me run around! I want to play in the Imperial Garden." complained the little prince, his face full of grievance.

The Emperor wouldn't allow him to wander off, and he found it incredibly dull sitting there and listening to everyone's chit chat.

Only his Sixth Royal Brother was good to him, bringing him to see their Mother, and telling him that she had a cute little sister for him to play with.

Being so young, he had absolutely no idea that he was being used as a bridge to connect others.