Chapter 240

The Emperor nodded and then turned to the First Prince, "Do you have anything to say, son?"

"I only speculated based on common sense. I hope for Your Majesty's wise discernment," the First Prince replied respectfully.

The Emperor nodded again, "Is that all?"

"Yes, that's all," the First Prince confirmed, without any hesitation.

"Good." You have been given an opportunity, if you do not realize your wrongs then do not blame me for cutting ties.

The Emperor nodded once more, this time to the crowd in the main hall. "Does anyone else have anything to say? Does anyone else think that the Marquis Shengping is the one who poisoned the food?"

All the ministers exchanged glances, then shook their heads collectively. "We dare not jump to conclusions so recklessly. This matter is serious, and we implore Your Majesty to issue a decree for a thorough investigation. We cannot wrongly accuse an innocent person."