The next day, Xiao'er prepared to go to the jewellery shop to check on the renovation progress.

As the carriage passed by Liuyue Lane, Master Lin suddenly ran out, narrowly escaping being trampled by the horses.

Xiao'er lifted the curtain and saw his panicked expression. A bad premonition rose in her heart: "Master Lin, are you okay? Why are you so flustered?"

"Doctor, I need to find a doctor. Yan'er has bled a lot!" Master Lin bypassed the carriage and ran forward again.

Hurriedly, Xiao'er jumped off the carriage, "Zhao Yong, accompany Master Lin to find Doctor Luo, I will go check on Miss Lin."

Zhao Yong hesitated before nodding, after glancing at a hidden guard in a distant corner.

When Xiao'er reached the Lin family, the front gate was wide open, a faint smell of blood reached her nose.

"Yan'er, wake up. The doctor will be here soon. Yan'er, don't sleep!" Mrs. Lin kept patting Lin Yan'er's face, trying to wake her up.