Chapter 278

Upon hearing this, everyone stood up.

"Entering labor already? I'm going back immediately!" Mrs. Tan rushed out like a gust of wind.

"I haven't been back for so many days, and the child decides to come as soon as I leave. What a coincidence!"

"Xiao'er, you rest at home. I will go and check on the situation. Fourth sister-in-law, you too should stay at home, just in case Xi'er wakes up and can't find her mother." Mrs. Liu, remembering that Xiao'er had just returned home, reminded her again.

Giving birth was a monumental event. As an aunt, Mrs. Liu must hurry over there.

Mrs. Lu nodded. As Xi'er had just moved into this strange environment, the child clung to her mother all the more tightly.

"Mother, you go first. I'll change clothes and come later." Xiao'er hadn't seen Jingshu for a while and happened to return just in time. She couldn't justify not visiting.

"Alright." Mrs. Liu, with no time for idle talk, hastily followed after the others.