"What happened to Mrs. Shen?" asked Xiao'er, foreseeing how unbearable life would be for her uncle's family without her family's help against the incessant harassment and insatiable scheming from Mrs. Shen and the main and second family branches.

"Shen Yuzhu unintentionally pushed Aunt Wang's grandson so hard he fell and hit his head on the edge of a well, knocking him unconscious. Aunt Wang demanded Master Shen pay her 1,000 taels in compensation; if not, she threatened to take the matter to court," Mrs. Liu sighed, wondering why people wouldn't just live their lives quietly instead of stirring up trouble. Was life more interesting that way?

Upon hearing this, Xiao'er was speechless. It seemed Shen Yuzhu hadn't learned a thing in jail and was behaving even more recklessly now.

Xiao'er absolutely didn't believe that Shen Yuzhu's push was accidental, but rather that she likely pushed the boy too hard and caused him serious injury.