Chapter 285 Exposure

"Exactly, Madam, if you're so filial, why haven't you gone back to serving your in-laws yet?"

"Indeed, it's not just your family that has affairs to handle. Others have also been doing this for many years, it's your turn now. It's unreasonable to expect others to be filial on your behalf constantly. You just take people's kindness for granted!"


"When I decide to go home is none of your business! Worrying needlessly about others!"

Upon hearing the comments of others, Mrs. Lan turned blue with anger.

Shen Bao'er saw three people coming this way, so she quickly pulled Mrs. Lan aside and whispered something to her.

Without having time to say anything else, they hurriedly left the grain and oil store.

The crowd was puzzled.

Mrs. Lu found it strange: "What's going on? Why are they running so fast?"

Turning her head to look down the street, Xiao'er saw three familiar figures approaching. She raised an eyebrow: "Encounter between the original wife and the mistress."