Chapter 304

"You said you heard someone calling for help? Which room?" Mrs. Prime Minister was anxious. Yun Ning had been gone for quite a while to the toilet and hasn't returned yet. Could anything have happened to her?

"I was too nervous and scared just now, and I didn't hear seems to have come from this room, but it might've been that one," the maid replied trepidatiously.

"Fool!" the Prime Minister's wife scolded. She couldn't even ascertain which room the scream originated from! The maids at the Lai Mansion are too incompetent!

If anything happened to Yun Ning at the Lai Mansion, she wouldn't just let it slide!

"Let's split up and look around to prevent any mishaps," Mrs. Lai suggested uneasily. She didn't want any fatal accidents happening in her new residence. That would be incredibly ominous.