The new product release of Pohli Jewelry caused a storm in the jewelry industry of the Imperial Capital. It influenced several other jewelry stores to follow suit, and this trend even swept across Minze Country and eventually was replicated by businesses in neighboring nations.

Some clothing stores also adopted this practice, taking inspiration from the success of the jewelry shops, albeit imitating rather ineptly.

Yun'er, with her love and talent for embroidery and clothing design, had consulted with Xiao'er and her family and decided to open a clothing store to sell clothes designed by Yun'er.

This clothing business would be part of Yun'er's dowry in the future.

And so, not long after, the Yunnai'er Fashion Show gave the fashion industry of that era a masterclass in standardized fashion shows.

Yunnai'er's designs instantly reached a high-end status in the industry.

Xiao'er's family was thriving in the Imperial City, their lives prospering daily.