A few people watched with interest as the small hamster in the cage heartily enjoyed its meal.

"It's so adorable! Sixth Brother, can you give this hamster to me?" Fifth Princess' eyes lighted up with desire.

"Sure." as long as it still has a life after a while, thought Shangguan Xuanyi.

The hamster stopped eating after consuming five or six ginkgo fruits, then began to crawl around in the cage.

However, it didn't crawl for long before it fell down, its little body convulsing, and after a short while, it was motionless.

The color drained from Empress Dowager's face upon seeing this; she had eaten quite a bit of that dish!

Thinking about this, Empress Dowager was overwhelmed by a wave of nausea and fear.


A maid hurried over with a spittoon.

The Empress Dowager retched into the spittoon, wishing she could completely vomit out every bit of food she had consumed at that meal.

The Fifth Princess rushed over to rub the Empress Dowager's back, feeling queasy herself.