Chapter 353

Jug Ears again?

Xiao'er slightly furrowed her eyebrows, "Next time he seeks you out, head straight to Marquis Shengping's Mansion and inform me! Don't even think about keeping me in the dark about any nefarious deeds. Otherwise, not only will I not spare you, but I would not pardon your bedridden grandma either. Understand?"

Xiao'er's voice was as cold as ice, instilling an inexplicable chill in the kneeling boy.

"Go!" Xiao'er motioned her hand dismissively, speaking as if she was granting a favour.

"Thank you, miss!" Upon hearing those words, the boy quickly bowed and ran off.

Zhao Yong watched the fleeing boy, wanting to speak but ultimately remaining silent.

By that time, Yang Liu had found a carriage, "Miss, let's head back to the mansion."

Xiao'er nodded in agreement, instructing Mrs. Liu and the others to join her in the carriage back to the mansion.