Chapter 361

The investigation materials from the bookstore quickly arrived at Xiao'er's desk.

The owner of the bookstore was a distant relative of General Dingyuan's wife. Because of this relationship, General Dingyuan's Mansion would frequently place some ethnic study materials in the bookstore, and have the scholars copy them.

In an era without a copier, copying books was a rather lucrative job, of course, this only applied to poor scholars who were good for nothing and could hardly scrap a living.

Yang Yong's handwriting was excellent, and his painting skills were also top-notch. Therefore, all copies of relevant books and materials of General Dingyuan were designated to Yang Yong.

Yang Yong earned his living by working at Huarongyuemao during the day and copying books to earn silver at night for himself and his grandmother.

Everything added up perfectly.
