Chapter 408

Only after the First Prince carried his consort away did Xiao'er say to Liang Yanli, "Concubine, you believe that my mother intentionally caused the First Prince's consort to fall. May I ask what proof you have?"

"The neatly cut rope is the best evidence." Liang Yanli held up the rope in her hand and shook it.

Xiao'er nodded, "That's right! This can indeed serve as evidence. I examined the rope earlier and noticed a trace of green at the cut, which proves that it was indeed cut by someone with the scissors from this flower room!"

"If the Lady of Rui'an County also thinks that Lady Marquis Shengping deliberately cut the rope, then that simplifies matters..."

"Don't be so hasty, Concubine!" Xiao'er interrupted Liang Yanli's words: "I only meant the rope was indeed cut by someone using the room's scissors, but the person who did it was not my mother, but someone who was standing behind her at the time."