"Madam, spare me. Here! I'd relinquish the reins to you!" The old coachman tearfully handed over the reins. He had almost reached the end of his servitude, with only two days left to retire with dignity! How unlucky he could be!

Shen Bao'er couldn't care less about his grief-stricken state! The urge to escape was so strong that she forcefully kicked the old coachman down from the carriage.

The pitiful old coachman broke his leg in the fall, and suffered multiple scrapes, screaming for help.

Shen Bao'er then went back to the carriage and removed the purse and jewelry from the maid, pushing her off the carriage too.

After a long while, an ox cart came and saved the old coachman and the maid, taking them back to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Fortunately, around the spot where the old coachman landed, there were some blood-clotting herbs growing, which he recognized, picked, crushed, and applied to the maid's wounds, stemming her bleeding, otherwise she would have been doomed.