Chapter 497

"Are you here to mock me?"

That's a typical thought of someone who's hiding something.

"I just wanted to remind you that there are many ways to solve a problem. There's no need to always do things that harm others and yourself," Zhao Youwei sighed internally.

Li Mingfang was too impulsive.

"What do you mean by that, Zhao Youwei?" What did he mean, 'always doing things that harm others and yourself'? Was he suggesting that she'd deliberately caused that incident at the Post Station where she'd fallen into the lake?

"Weren't you just trying to cut Rui'an County Master's kite string on purpose? Doing so could offend both the county master and the Sixth Prince. You are about to marry into the royal family, so you'll have plenty of opportunities to interact with them in the future. What benefit would there be for you in doing this? Isn't this hurting others and yourself? Plus, Rui'an County Master once saved your life. Don't you think it's a bit much to act this way?"